Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Oh Poo... Or not...

I had peed the day before (yes, I'm blogging about urine). But no bowel movements so far. I was still having a horrible time breathing but it was getting better. The intense itching was driving me insane. I was given clear liquids to eat (broth, jello and some hot tea) and we even switched from pain killers through the IV to pills so that hopefully it would help with the itchiness. Still in the hospital, they were constantly checking my vitals and making me walk around. It was annoying, but comforting as I didn't have to worry much about anything except trying to breathe. I liked sleeping mainly b/c I could be on my CPAP and that basically made things immeasurably better. Either which way, the day came and went and I finally had a bowel movement later that night. I kept getting told I'd be passing gas (i was belching plenty, but nothing out the other end). Nurses (and even the doctors the next morning) found it a very good sign that I was already doing that. I was just god damn happy that things were starting to get easier from a breathing standpoint. All the other pain was easily under control given the pain killers I was on, but since breathing is so vital to life and all that and it was so painful, I was happy to have it getting back to normal. By the end of the day I was able to speak again, and much to my wife's dismay I started chatting it up.

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