Friday, August 20, 2010

Crawling under my skin?

Much easier to do things. I also had to do one of the single most disturbing things ever. Even thinking about it still makes my skin crawl. They had put a pain killer auto-pump system in during surgery. Well, it was out of pain killer so it was time to pull out the small tubes. Well, just so you can all have your skin crawl - I could feel the tubes as I pulled them out pass under my skin. blech. At any rate, after that, and just one pain killer (had been taking 2 previously) I felt up to going for a walk to get the mail. Got the mail and went back to the house to relax and stay awake. Feeding myself, and preparing the food to do said feeding, was still painful but not horrible. I was very happy with the fact that I was able to both meet (and exceed) my 64oz fluid intake, but also meet my 75g of protein intake. The only real complaint of the day is that my abdomen has really started to ache since the removal of the pain killer pump. It also doesn't help that I tend to bounce my legs when sitting meaning I am typically shaking my belly. I'm not in danger of hurting my wounds, but it more is just irritating them and causing them to hurt more than normal. The day ended with me taking a pain killers (1 tab) pretty regularly so that I could handle sleeping. Which I was eventually (at 3am) able to do.

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