Sunday, August 22, 2010

First Shower

If you were wondering what that smell was, it was me. Fear of harming my wounds led me to avoiding showering, and I finally broke down as we're going to go to the store to get some things.

By the way. My wife has brought it to my attention that I did not do a good job of indicating how much she has done for me. I would not have gotten through all this without her. She was there the whole time in the hospital, she wiped my ass, helped me towel off just now. She has gotten me anything I've needed when I was in pain and has helped prepare meals for me since it hurts to stand for extended periods of time while bending and twisting (which is pretty much required when you're making things from scratch).

At any rate, I feel great... well, it makes me feel better to have a shower under my belt.

Oh, and The Invention of Lying was great until it became obvious that an Atheist wrote the script. That's all I'll say as any more than that would give away the movie.

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