Saturday, August 21, 2010


Ugh. Belching. They said I'd do it. They said I'd take in gas and whatnot. They said the surgery left gas in me that my body would get rid of for some period of time (which I don't remember the time frame).

Today (and to a lesser extent yesterday) I have belched far more than I want to. I don't honestly care, it usually doesn't hurt (the occasional hiccup-burp hurts) but when the gas is in my stomach it makes me feel bloated and much more full than I am. It gets to be a big pain in the rear when I need to be "eating" my fluids and I feel like I'm full (certainly NOT something I should be feeling at any time, I should never eat to full, just satisfied). Usually though, getting up and walking around alleviates the issue and I quickly find myself able to finish up my meal.

And for those who are wondering, no, I can't just gulp down things, nor do I. I don't take large drinks at a time, they're small sips that I take every 10-15 min and it takes me upwards of 45 min to an hour to drink 8 oz of "food".

I sure hope this passes.

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